
November 12, 1997


Chorus: I've got the Jabiluka blues
nothing to gain
but every damn thing to lose.
I used to worry about uranium
until Pan Con bought me off.
I'm trying to sell uranium
but everyone's got enough.
I got the Jabiluka blues,
while driving my Toyota
down to the South Alligator
running over kangaroos.
Just hit a wallaby,
bush turkeys atrophy
lying there behind me
in the dust and the dirt,
lying there and dying
in the dust and the dirt.
What about the workers
who work in the mine
some I'm told are doing fine:
they've got uranium
some in the right lung,
and some in the left lung,
and I've got a brain that's been stung.
I went to the museum to see
the famous barramundi.
They've got one in a glass cage
it's as dead as dead can be
He's the last one they caught
on the South Alligator plain.
They've even got the bones
of an Aborigine —
the last one to live
at Oenpelli.
"All god's children going to die, die, die.
All god's children going to die."
That was the lesson they read in the church,
the day we started mining.
All god's children going to die.
That was the day we left them in the lurch,
All god's children going to die.
And it seems to me, that it seems to be
The way it happened at Oenpelli.
They've got the Jabiluka blues
They've nothing left to lose,
We did not want to see them die.
Yea, we're real sorry.
But there's no land rights to worry about,
All the world can sing and shout
We've got an army to toss those stirrers out.
We've got the Jabiluka blues,
got plenty of uranium
that's the nuclear news
we're looking for a sale
we're looking for a pal.
All I know is we've got to sell.
If we leave it to Senator Parer
he'll sell it to the enemy
he says, that then, they'll be our chum,
once they've got our uranium.
= John Tomlinson

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