Join the solidarity actions in your city

February 2, 2000


Solidarity picket. Tuesday, February 1, noon, BHP headquarters. Organised by Resistance. Ph 3254 0565.


Speak-out in solidarity. Friday, February 4, 12.30-2pm, Civic merry-go-round. Organised by Resistance. Ph 6247 2424.

Green Left Weekly public meeting: "Support the Pilbara BHP unionists". Tuesday, February 15, 6.30pm. Resistance Centre, 1st flr, Omonoia Building, 175 City Walk (above Dymocks bookshop), Civic. Ph 6247 2424.


Solidarity picket at the BHP wire mill, Walchs Road, North Shore, Geelong. Friday, February 4, 11.30am. Organised by the Geelong Trades and Labor Council.


Protest action. Thursday, February 3, 4pm. City venue to be confirmed. Organised by the Democratic Socialist Party. Ph 9690 1977.


Resistance speak-out. Saturday, February 5, 11am. Crown St Mall, Ph 4226 2010.

To find out about as yet unplanned public actions and other things you can do to support the Pilbara workers' fight and stop individual contracts, get in touch with the Democratic Socialist Party branch in your city at:

Adelaide 8231 6982. Brisbane 3254 0565. Canberra 6247 2424. Darwin 8981 4714. Hobart 6234 6397. Lismore 0410 559 195. Melbourne 9639 8622. Newcastle 4926 5328. Perth 9227 7367. Sydney 9690 1977 and western Sydney 9635 8449. Wollongong 4226 2010.

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