Justice for Cassius Turvey

October 26, 2022
Cassius Turvey vigils across the country
Join vigils for Cassius Turvey across the country.

National solidarity actions have been called by the family of Cassius Turvey, a young Noongar man who died after being set upon and beaten by youths with an iron bar on October 13.

He had been discharged, but suffered a seizure and had to return to hospital where he died on October 23.

NITV said on October 24 that Cassius and his friends had asked their parents if they could stop at the shops on their way home from school.

“After the boys got off the bus near the TAFE at Midland, it is alleged that some men in a vehicle approached the group and viciously assaulted Cassius.”

A 21-year-old man has been charged with murder and remanded into custody until his next court hearing in November.

An attack on a second boy, who was part of the group, is being investigated.

Cassius’ mother Mechelle told NITV that her son had a large gash to his head requiring seven stitches, and his ear was slashed. Following treatment, he was discharged.

“He was absolutely fine,” Mechelle said. “All the scans had been done, nothing happened. I had him home for only eight hours.”

Cassius had a seizure and returned to hospital where he was placed in an induced coma. He underwent brain surgery at Perth Children’s Hospital to relieve swelling and bleeding on the brain.

“I feel useless. Honestly I feel so angry, like I want to do something and there's nothing I can do,” Mechelle told NITV. “I can’t protect him from any of this.

“I’ve always told him, ‘You’re an Indigenous boy, they’re going to look at you and think all these awful things, just try and be smaller.

“I hate that I had to explain that to my son at this age.”

[The Western Australia vigil is on October 31 at Midland Oval. Others are being held on November 2. Check for Cassius Turvey justice vigils in your city on Facebook.]

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