Journalists, political parties and leftist movements from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Venezuela, Haiti and Kenya issued the following joint statement in solidarity with Rojava.
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“Once again, we are witnessing atrocities and fascism against the Kurdish people. The recent bombing of Rojava by the imperialist powers showed us that, contrary to the official discourse, the poor peoples of the world do not live in a free world where human rights and the right to self-determination of peoples are respected. We rather live in a world where the right to life is not respected and genocide, war and colonialism prevail.
"Turkey not only bombs the Kurdish people, but also resorts to chemical weapons, violating all the norms designated by international humanitarian laws. The international community is embarrassingly silent as it is dominated by imperialist powers and some of the countries remain subordinated to them because of ideological and political weakness.
"We know that the goal of this genocidal war against the Kurdish people and the press is to deepen the criminalisation of the Kurdish people's rightful struggle and their dignity, thus silencing the brave, democratic people and their free press. We demand an end to the attacks, the immediate and unconditional release of Kurdish political prisoners, and the way to be paved for the Kurdish people to obtain their own free lives.
"As always, thousands of casualties have been suffered in this war in which women, old people and children are the main victims. We urge all democratic forces, parties, people and revolutionaries, social movements and the alternative press to defend the right of the Kurdish people to build their future in a free, independent and sovereign manner.
"For the freedom, life, independence, sovereignty and self-government of the Kurdish people! Kurdistan will win!”
Argentina Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (PRT)
Argentina, Radio Nacional
Argentina, Ricardo Rubén Zarra Oran, Cantautor, Salta
Argentina, Organizacion Libres del Pueblo (OLP) Resistir y Luchar
Chile, Cristián Silva, Radio El Pueblo de Colina
Chile, Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Quilpué
Chile, Cabildo desde los Derechos Humanos, Quilpué
Chile, Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos y Detenidos Desaparecidos, Valparaíso
Chile, Cordon Asambleas Territoriales en Lucha del Marga-Marga,
Chile, Radio de Villa Alemana, Limache
Chile, Radio Cordon Marga-Marga,
Chile, Colectivo 31 de Julio, Valparaíso
Chile, America Rebelde
Chile, IPNews Agency y RPI
Colombia, J. Manuel Arango C. de CLIN de Colombia
Colombia, William Fortich Palencia, Red de Comunicación y Cultura, Bagota; Boletín Fogoncito Creativo
Costa Rica, Martin Rodriguez Espinoza, Partido Vanguardia Popular
Ecuador, Movimiento Guevarista Tierra y Libertad, MGTL
EE.UU, Manuel Loli, IPNews Agency
El Salvador, Centroamérica Ada Membreño del Partido Socialista Centroamericano, PSOCA
El Salvador, Centroamérica, Rael Oshun, El Socialista Centroamericano (Diario)
El Salvador, Centroamérica, Nelson Araya, Radio Farabundo Martí
Haiti, Jean Clebert Elouis, Mundo Haiti
Kenya, Partido Comunista de Kenia
Mexico, Frente Nacional de Lucha por el Socialismo, FNLS
Puelmapu, Juana Antieco, Lof Mapuche Tehuelche Newentuaiñ Inchiñ Costa de Lepa Chubut
Venezuela, Lila Ferrer integrante de Chavismo Sur y la Federacion Internacional de Escritores por la Libertad, FIEL