Left On-line

May 28, 1997

Left On-line

9point = The Satire WorkshopGreen Left Weekly's resident scallywag, Dave Riley, has established a presence on the Web. You can catch up with some of the best Life of Riley columns and enrol in his new satire project. With links to some of the best political satire on-line. See http://www.ozemail.com.au/~dhell.

International Political Satire Festival: They take their humour seriously in Italy. This regular festival runs a series of exhibitions, cabarets and competitions that deal solely with political satire in all its forms. There is a superb gallery of cartoons to view and program notes to tantalise. If you can't afford to book a seat on Alitalia, you can at least visit the site at http//www.citinv.it/premiosatira/homegb.html.

New additions to the Marx/Engels Internet Archive (http://www.marx.org) — Trotsky's 1937 The Stalin School of Falsification; the collected media interviews of Karl and Fred; Marx's 1849 Wage, Labour and Capital; a series of articles by Lenin including Opportunism and the Collapse of the Second International; the debut of the James Connolly Internet Archive with 12 new articles about the socialist movement in Ireland; and Trotsky's 1935 The Workers' State, Thermidor and Bonapartism.

The James Connolly Society — A site devoted to the life and works of Ireland's most influential Marxist revolutionary, James Connolly, murdered in 1916. Check it out at http://www.serve.com/IRSCNA/jcs.htm.

Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/. Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!

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