Left on-line

November 12, 1997

Left on-line

The Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (WA) now has a web page. See <ÃÃhttp://www.omen.com.au/~dicwc/ÄÄ>.

Latest news on the trial of the Herri Batasuna leadership — The Spanish government is prosecuting the entire national executive of the legal pro-independence Basque political party, Herri Batasuna. Their "crime" is to have distributed a video calling for a negotiated political settlement of the armed struggle in the Basque country. For the latest news and background the case, visit <ÃÃhttp://www.euskadi.org/hb/epaiketaÄÄ> or <ÃÃhttp://osis.ucsd.edu/~ehj/html/hbupdate.htmlÄÄ>.

Mineral Policy Institute — "Keeping an eye on the mining industry". The mining industry moves more than 300 billion tonnes of our planet each year, levelling entire mountains and creating other mountains of contaminated waste. Much of what is extracted is wasted. MPI and its partner groups are working to control the waste and other impacts. It is Australia's only group dedicated to researching and campaigning on mining issues. Set up in 1995 as a result of growing concern about the social, environmental and economic effects of the exploration and mining activities of Australian companies, it is the major resource on the mining industry. MPI can be found at <ÃÃhttp://parallel.acsu.unsw.au/mpi/ÄÄ>.

What's new at the Marx/Engels Internet Archive <ÃÃhttp://www.marx.orgÄÄ> — Leon Trotsky's 1919 speech "Rallying the Army During the Civil War"; Trotsky's article "The Events in Dublin, 1916"; and Trotsky's 1926 article "On the Suppressed Testament of Lenin". Work has begun on transcribing Marx and Engels' first joint literary effort, the 1845 book The Holy Family; another five chapters from Capital, volume 2, (that makes chapters 1 through 14); and Chapter 5 of Leon Trotsky's 1930, three-volume The History of the Russian Revolution.

International Viewpoint — The latest edition of the revolutionary socialist magazine of news and analysis, published by the Fourth International, is now on-line. Featured article is Norm Dixon's revealing outline of the links between Pauline Hanson's One Nation and the far right. Also available are articles from IV's special issue on Europe and more than 40 articles from previous issues. Visit <ÃÃhttp://www.internationalen.se/sp/ivp.htmÄÄ>.

The Alternative Information and Development Centre — Based in Cape Town, South Africa, the AIDC is a radical centre devoted to research, education and training, as well as campaigning and lobbying on issues affecting the development process in South Africa. AIDC seeks to develop policies and campaigns which can deepen democratic transition, reconstruction and development and help in the mobilisation of social movements around people-centred, participatory and need-orientated strategies of development. Check it out at <ÃÃhttp://aidc.org.za/ÄÄ>.

Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit . Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!

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