Loose cannons

October 12, 1994

Wholly positive

"You sense, as I very strongly do, that the underlying momentum is wholly positive." — Foreign minister Gareth Evans, commenting on an Amnesty International report which says that the Indonesian government is shooting alleged criminals dead in the streets and has deployed 15,000 troops to disperse demonstrations.

Forward thinking

"The Air Force is reacting to the EPA ban on CFCs by replacing them in the cooling systems of the intercontinental (ballistic) missiles with 2 to 10 nuclear warheads on board. If they are ever fired, it will be an environmentally friendly nuclear holocaust, not threatening the ozone layer." — Access to Energy, July 1993.

Social notes

We don't know how many readers are thinking of joining the Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club, but if you do apply, you have to sign a declaration that you're not a Communist. There appears to be no bar on axe murderers, however.


"My job is to design a village which embodies the [environmental] principles that we went to Monte Carlo with last year, but equally a village which is marketable, which is bankable by the private sector." — NSW minister for planning Robert Webster, replying to criticisms from Greenpeace and others that the Olympic Village will not be environmentally sound, as originally projected.

Not bankable

"Absolutely shafted." — Rod Simpson, spokesperson for the Urban Village Design Group, on how the consortium of five architects feels it has been treated by the NSW government. The group won a design competition with an environmentally friendly plan for the Olympic Village, but the government has now given the design work to other firms.

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