Loose cannons

June 3, 1998


"They will become ordinary entrepreneurs, without privileges." — Probosutedjo, half-brother of Suharto, on the likely business future of members of the Indonesian ex-presidential family.

Back to the day job

"On the issue of NKK [nepotism, corruption and cronyism], on May 23 my wife and my daughter reported to the chairman of the MPR that they would resign." — General Wiranto, head of the Indonesian armed forces and defence minister. Wiranto's relatives were appointed to the MPR pseudo-parliament by Suharto.


"The reality is that a million dollars for a one-bedroom apartment is a lot." — Real estate agent Bob Bohlen, on the fact that only 22 flats have been sold of the 237 in the East Circular Quay development that blocks views of Sydney's Opera House.

Praise from a bird brain?

"She has become a parrot." — Northern Ireland unionist bigot, the Reverend Ian Paisley, on learning that the queen plans to visit Dublin.

Buy or die

"They were trying to get other soldiers to buy things from Amway, and their activities were not in keeping with their status as civil servants." — A Japanese army spokesperson, on three sergeants disciplined for enlisting other soldiers to work after hours for the Amway marketing network.

That settles it

"Unless we have an indirect tax system that works ... taxes on petroleum and company tax will be high on the list of options put to the government." — Stan Wallis, president of the Business Council of Australia.

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