Loose cannons

February 23, 2000


" ... my heart goes out to those who may be suffering." — Esmerelda Exploration chairperson Brett Montgomery explaining why his company is refusing to accept responsibility for the contamination of water downstream from the cyanide spill at its mine in Romania.

Just like that

"They've had years to see what's going on. If you figured out your job would be history in five years, would you just keep working at it? No ... What you'd do is find another job." — Financial Review commentator Peter Ruehl on why the sacked National Textiles workers deserved neither public sympathy nor government assistance.

Unlike the honest grubs in parliament

"Territorians, like most Australians, are sick and tired of the grubs who break into their homes, steal their cars and anything else that's not nailed down." — Liberal Party federal president and former NT chief minister Shane Stone.

Veuve Cliquot not chilled properly?

"You have gone through undeserved suffering and pain. Myself, as president, I have suffered too. — Juan Antonio Samaranch, addressing the International Olympic Committee.

Doing their job

"We need to know what is allowed and what is not allowed today. Because we do not want to end up like our superiors who were doing their jobs in East Timor and then were accused of human rights violations." — An Indonesian general, quoted by military affairs specialist Salim Said.


"This is a big shock for me." — Ty Norin, deputy executive director of Cambodia's state electricity company, after employees of a private distributor were arrested for stealing electricity from the state company by rigging meters.

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