Loose cannons

May 29, 2002


"It's a frustrating war. The reason it's so frustrating and aggravating is because the enemy is not fighting." — US Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Fetterman in Afghanistan, quoted in the May 16 Washington Post.

Deja vu

"We're trying to find [the enemy] and he's trying to avoid us. So any time we go out, he fades away. It's just like Vietnam." — Fetterman again.


"A senior Microsoft Corp executive told a federal court last week that sharing information with competitors could damage national security and even threaten the US war effort in Afghanistan. He later acknowledged that some Microsoft code was so flawed it could not be safely disclosed." — May 13 US IT magazine eWEEK.


"Since America's founding, prayer has reassured us that the hand of God is guiding the affairs of this nation." — George "The Crusader" Bush, May 16.

From Green Left Weekly, May 29, 2002.
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