Motion — compulsory retrenchments in Tax
This meeting of CPSU members in [insert department name] condemns the moves by ATO management to resort to compulsory retrenchments in the INB Business Line in Sydney and Melbourne Tax Offices when alternative and more humane strategies for handling staff reductions, including the offer of voluntary packages elsewhere in the ATO and the redeployment of INB staff, are available and have been proposed by the union.
We express our strong support for our fellow members in the ATO.
This meeting confirms our commitment to using the united strength of the CPSU across the APS as a whole to support CPSU members facing such serious attack, both as a matter of principle and in recognition that their fight will be our fight in only a few months time.
We call on the CPSU National Management Committee to organise an APS-wide response to the situation facing ATO members and declare our willingness to play our part in such a response.