Motion on support for democracy

September 25, 1996

Motion on support for democracy

The following motion, adopted by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union national seminar held on August 17-18, can be put to trade union members and delegates' meetings at the branch, state or national level.

  • Call on the Indonesian government to:

(i) recognise the right of workers to organise in the trade union of their choice

(ii) release all people detained following the military assault on the headquarters of Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (PDI) on July 27, including those like Muchtar Pakpahan, later taken into custody

(iii) release the arrested members of the People's Democratic Party (PRD): Budiman Sujamitko, Dita Sari, Hussein Pontoh, Mohamed Soleh, Petrus Haryanto and others

(iii) end all intervention into the internal affairs of the PDI and restore recognition of the elected Megawati Sukarnoputri leadership

(iv) end all repression against PDI, PRD and other pro-democracy organisations, and permit freedom of assembly and association.

  • Call on the ACTU to recognise the currently illegal trade unions SBSI and PPBI.

  • Further call on the ACTU and the national branch of the [your union] to facilitate concrete links of industrial cooperation with the SBSI and PPBI, around demands which genuinely and materially advance the interests of working class Indonesian people.

  • That the [your union] to seek the most effective way to ban the use of Indonesian products.

  • That the [your union] sponsor a team of officials and rank and file members to investigate the state of unions in Indonesia and report back.

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