New call for‭ '‬pan-European movement‭' ‬against austerity

July 19, 2015

Thousands of people protested on July‭ ‬15‭ ‬across Europe‭ – ‬and in cities around the world‭ – ‬in solidarity with Greece's struggle against austerity.

The next day,‭ ‬Marina Prentoulis,‭ ‬spokesperson for Syriza in Britain,‭ told TeleSUR that what was needed was a‭ “‬pan-European movement‭” ‬capable of confronting the power of European capital and the neoliberal agenda of European leaders.‭

The Greek parliament voted on July‭ ‬16‭ ‬in favour of reform measures required by a deal reached between the government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Greece's creditors.‭

“In order to be able to resist their demands,‭ ‬we need a pan-European movement,‭” ‬Prentoulis told TeleSUR,‭ ‬adding this was the‭ “‬only way to resist this immense power‭” ‬of European capital.‭ ‬The SYRIZA government,‭ ‬elected on an anti-austerity platform,‭ ‬has come under heavy criticism for agreeing to a deal involving measures running contrary to the leftist party's ideological outlook.

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