News briefs

May 31, 1995

MELBOURNE — The independent MP for Wills, Phil Cleary, has called on the Greens and Democrat senators to oppose the sale of the Commonwealth Bank. In a press release, Cleary pointed out: "Another privately owned bank will just pave the way for fewer over the counter services and higher charges".

Cleary added that he was staggered that the ACTU and Trades Halls Councils had not unequivocally condemned the sale. He said, "It makes Keating's 'true believer' rhetoric a joke. Once again the ALP has turned its back on its own traditions."

ROCKHAMPTON — Workers at the AMH meatworks are maintaining a picket line outside the plant after they were sacked by the company on May 19, following a walkout over an enterprise bargaining dispute. The 250 meatworkers took action, claiming the company had hit their wages by refusing to increase kill levels at the plant.

"We've got enterprise bargaining to thank for this. It most definitely put us on the poverty line", one picketing worker, Lionel Collins, said. The workers claim AMH's decision on kill rates has cost them around $150 a week per person.

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