Since the opening of the parallel north-south runway at Sydney airport in November, independent reports have emerged highlighting the adverse health effects suffered by residents living in the suburbs underneath the extended flight paths. DEAF —
Taking up where World War II left off The Secrets of Porton Down The Cutting Edge, SBS TV Tuesday, June 6 8.30pm (8pm SA) Reviewed by Sean Moysey World War II produced some horrible weapons: napalm, nuclear bombs, guided rockets, fire
Much too nice The Threepenny Opera Music by Kurt Weill. Text by Bertolt Brecht Director: Chris Johnson Musical Director: Michael Morley Suncorp Theatre, Brisbane Until June 10 Reviewed by Dave Riley Before Hair and The Rocky
Alliance against live animal exports By Margaret Setter An alliance between the Australasian Meat Employees Industrial Union (AMIEU) and Animal Liberation has been forged to fight for the abolition of the live cattle export trade to Asia
By Natasha Simons Hundreds of activists from across Australia will meet in Melbourne from July 8 to 10 for the 24th national conference of Resistance. It will be the largest socialist youth gathering in Australia and a great opportunity for
Timor activists appeal harsh sentence BRISBANE — On May 16, Jim Dowling and Ciaron O'Reilly, from the Catholic Worker organisation, were sentenced to three months' jail for a sit-in at the Defence Recruiting Centre here during Easter week, in
The market-oriented agenda of economic "rationalism" is rapidly destroying the quality of life in the city. DAVE HOLMES reports on what Jeff Kennett's government is doing to Melbourne. The view of a modern city from the window of a plane as it
By Dave Mizon To come to an understanding of the present malaise that the union movement is in, we must follow the course that the union leadership has taken for the last 12 years — a course that has run the labour movement up against the
An all-women ALP branch? The ALP's campaign to recruit women and present itself as the place to be for all feminists with ambition is continuing. In Victoria, an all-women branch has been mooted by Linelle Gibson, secretary of the Williamstown
Time and motion By Dave Riley I'll tell you what enterprise bargaining is about — consensus. It's as simple as give and take. After a time, you don't even notice the little sacrifices you are asked to make. At one factory I was
By Cameron Parker SYDNEY — In a revealing speech to the Airport Privatisation Conference in the Hilton Hotel on May 22, minister for transport Laurie Brereton unveiled the federal ALP government's strategy for selling leases for Australia's 22
By Finn Kjeller More than 150,000 Danish workers went on strike on April 20 in support of bus drivers fighting the effects of privatisation. Defying aggressive bosses, local and national government and daily police brutality, 82 bus drivers have