NSW schools 'dodge homophobia issue'
By Margaret El-Chami
SYDNEY — The Gay and Lesbian Teachers and Students Association (GaLTaS) has responded angrily to NSW education minister Virginia Chadwick's refusal make to a homophobia unit compulsory in the sexuality section of the new personal development, health and physical education syllabus for schools.
While homophobia and homosexuality units have been included in the new syllabus, GaLTaS says they will remain inaccessible to most students while they remain optional. The group is also unhappy with the government's ruling that parents can veto the sex education syllabus.
"It would appear that schools where the problem of homophobia is perceived to be worst will not run this course because of the fear of community backlash," says GaLTaS coordinator Derek Williams.
Since media reports of attacks on three gay students in March, Williams says the group has received a daily stream of calls from students asking for advice and reporting incidents of verbal harassment, victimisation and assault. The students usually say they don't know how to get help at school, and teachers are unable to deal with the problem.