Palestine: Campaign helps win Sireen Khudiri prisoner's release

July 29, 2013
Sireen Khudiri.

Palestinian teacher and activist Sireen Khudiri, 25, was released from an Israeli prison on July 15 after two months in jail. A court decision was made to release her on bail worth 7000 shekels ($2483). Khudiri is now home with her family.

Many people wrote letters and signed petitions to protest Khudiri’s jailing, promoted awareness of her situation or posted or wrote messages of support. It is likely these efforts had an impact in helping free Khudiri.

However, the court has ordered that Khudiri must not leave her house or use the internet. She also has to return to court on September 16.

Khudiri was arrested on May 15, as she returned to her home town of Tubas from university. She was arrested for writing articles critical of Israeli actions in the occupied West Bank. Israel accused Khudiri of creating a Facebook page that “threatens the security” of Israel.

After her release, Khudiri said conditions for female political prisoners are very bad in Hasharon Prison, with medical neglect and mistreatment common. She called on those who work for prisoner rights to campaign on this situation.

Khudiri’s family have sent a message to all Khudiri’s supporters. They said: “Thankful for your support against apartheid occupation, today (Khudiri) feels sorry because she can't thank by herself each one who supported her. As you know it's forbidden for her to use internet. She sends her love for all of you. We wish freedom for all prisoners.”

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