Palestine solidarity protesters occupy Labor PM’s office

May 31, 2024
Protesters occupy Graham Perrett's office
Protesters occupy Graham Perrett's office

Queensland police arrested one person after 20 activists occupied Labor MP Graham Perrett’s office for two hours on May 31.

The pro-Palestine activists called on him to take a public stand against Israel's ongoing genocide in Palestine and specifically that Labor stop supplying arms to Israel and recognise the State of Palestine.

The action was part of a national day of action, with occupations and protests at Labor MPs offices including Ged Kearney, Daniel Mulino, Peter Khalil, Andrew Giles, Bill Shorten and Attorney General Mark Dreyfus.

Perrett was inside his office, but refused to meet the protestors.

Ben Pennings, who was arrested for blocking a door at the office, said: “I have been watching the news from Palestine with growing horror and particularly the latest escalation into Rafah.

“The Labor Party is complicit in the genocide through their ongoing support for Israel and the supply of weapons to Israel some of which are made here in Brisbane.

“We were offered a future meeting with Perrett, but we rejected it. We’re tired of talking.

“Perrett understands the issue: he doesn’t need us to explain it to him. Now is the time for him to act with courage and take a stand.”

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