Plans for socialist activist conference

April 21, 1999

Plans for socialist activist conference

SYDNEY — Marxism in the New Millennium, organised by the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance, is a conference to discuss issues for socialist activists in various campaigns, socialist solutions to the many facets of capitalist oppression and how a socialist revolution could come about.

The conference, to be held on April 24 and 25 at the University of Technology, will feature talks on: tactics in the Indonesian class struggle; industrial struggle 12 months after the maritime dispute; ecology, capitalism and socialism; getting past the Labor Party roadblock; and building the international socialist movement today.

Workshops will be held on: the war in Serbia and Kosova; feminism and socialism; recent eyewitness reports from the East Timor and the Indonesian progressive movements; high school militants around the world; revolution in Latin America; self-determination in Kurdistan; Zionism, anti-Semitism and Palestine; Leninism, Stalinism and the party; and anarchism, authoritarianism and the state (see advertisement on page10 for more information).

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