Prison officers condemn private prison

February 24, 1999

Prison officers condemn private prison

By Sarah Harris

PERTH — The WA Coalition government wants a private company, Correction Corporation of Australia, to operate a proposed 750-bed medium security jail at Wooroloo, 50 kilometres east of Perth.

The secretary of the WA Prison Officers Union, Ric Stingemore, told Green Left Weekly the union opposes the privatisation of prisons. He questioned the ethics of making profits out of imprisonment, and pointed out that the WA government wants to privatise prison running costs because it is struggling to manage overcrowded and under-resourced prisons.

The union says that to make money from a prison, fewer staff must be employed, interaction between staff and prisoners must be reduced, and the rehabilitation of prisoners must be neglected.

The West Australian newspaper has reported that the ALP, Greens and Democrats will block the legislation. Churches and the WA Prisoners' Action group also oppose the privatisation.

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