Protesters demand ANU reinstate pro-Palestine student

June 17, 2024
Protesting ANU's expulsion of a student for their pro-Palestine views. Photo: Paul Oboohov

Sixty students, staff and Palestine supporters rallied outside the Australian National University’s (ANU) chancellery on June 7 to protest management’s expulsion of a student for supporting Palestine.

Beatrice Tucker was prohibited from her course and entering the university because of comments they made to ABC Radio Canberra.

Tucker expressed solidarity with the Palestinian right to resist occupation, while criticising Hamas’ tactics.

A local Palestinian community member said the ANU Gaza solidarity encampment was a sign that the movement for Palestinian rights was winning.

After hearing several speeches, protesters marched to the Engineering Faculty building to point out its links with weapons’ research and the ANU’s many direct investments in arms manufacturing companies, including supplying parts to the Israeli military.

[Sign a statement and petition by Students and Staff Against War ANU against Tucker’s expulsion here.]

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