Qld nurses rally over pay debacle

July 17, 2010
Photo: David Jackmanson/Flickr

Hundreds of angry Queensland nurses rallied outside Queensland parliament on July 14 to protest against the ongoing pay debacle caused by problems with the new computerised payroll system.

Queensland Health introduced the system four months ago. Problems have included health workers being underpaid or not being paid at all, ABC Online reported on July 15. The rallying nurses chanted "No pay, no work!", and many threatened to quit if the errors were not fixed soon.

Health minister Paul Lucas faced questions inside the parliament, while outside nurses yelled, "Show us the money” and "Lucas, can you pay your mortgage?", the July 15 Brisbane Courier-Mail said.

The rally coincided with the state conference of the Queensland Nurses Union. QNU secretary Gay Hawksworth reminded the rally that on the day the new payroll system went live, Queensland Health bureaucrats boasted about it being a success.

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