Queensland workers clean up with new agreement

October 10, 2009

The following statement is from the Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union (LHMU) Queensland.
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The LHMU — the union representing cleaners — has welcomed the Queensland state government's announcement it will support the Clean Start Collective Agreement by developing new criteria for choosing its cleaning contractors.

"For many of the thousands of hard-working cleaners in Queensland, life is about to get a little bit easier", LHMU branch secretary Gary Bullock said September 2.

"The union has fought for three years to achieve fairer pay and conditions for cleaners in Queensland and interstate and is now a big step closer to achieving that goal.

"The cleaning industry has long had a history of exploitation, underpayment and unsafe work practices.

"The agreement will help build a new level of professionalism and uniformity throughout the industry.

"It sets out new guidelines in seven key areas, known as the 'fairs': fair hours, fair workloads, fair pay, fair job security, fair treatment, fair leave and fair rights."

Previously the state government chose its cleaning contractors on price alone.

Now, they will include in a second set of criteria — based on the principles of the Clean Start Agreement — to judge contractors on factors like health and safety, training and environmental management.

Workers covered under the agreement will enjoy a pay increase of about 10.8% to $16.77 for full-time and $17.58 or 16.1% for part-time work.

"But the wage increase is only a part of the win for cleaners here", Bullock said.
"Many of the conditions set out in the agreement have been enjoyed by the rest of the workplace for decades.

"For cleaners, they're a welcome relief in tough times."

The new conditions will apply to cleaners employed by ISS Facility Services Australia, Professional Cleaning Services, Howard Services Group, Springmount Services, Duggans Cleaning Services, Spotless, Glad Commercial Cleaning, Yanda Cleaning Professionals, Swan Services, the Pickwick Group and Reflections.

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