This war is unjust and criminal on the part of both sides. It is a fight between two anti-popular regimes. As proclaimed by the Russian side, the aim of the war amounts to lies and hypocrisy. For years, the Russian authorities looked on with indifference as people died every day in the Donbass ... Throughout all these years, the inhabitants of the Donbass have been small change in the hands of Russian and Ukrainian capital.
Nothing that has happened will solve the problem. Whatever the outcome, more blood is going to be shed. Even in the case of 'victory', Russia will obtain an endlessly unstable territory and the danger of an even greater war with the West. As a matter of principle, the problem of the Donbass is insoluble under capitalism... So long as capital rules, the thirst to maintain and increase profits will always generate a drive to war.
All the burdens of the war are being loaded onto the shoulders of the workers. In Russia that is apparent, above all, in the galloping devaluation of the ruble.
The Russian economy is incapable of sustaining a long war. If the military actions continue, economic and social chaos is inevitable. Nor is the army capable of a drawn-out conflict. Corruption and decay are present not only throughout the state apparatus, but in the army as well. The Russian authorities are intent on 'solving' the growing social problems through intensified repression ... Capital is opening up an internal front in the war. One of its aspects will be a further tightening of internet surveillance, along with a complete ban on public protests.
The task for every communist is to stand at their post and explain the context of this war ... While taking an anti-war stance and characterising what is happening as a crime against humanity, we do not call for desertion. Communists who are in the army must conduct propaganda among their fellow soldiers. We must also prepare ourselves to suffer repression.
We do not flinch before the path we have chosen. The truth is on our side.
[This is an abridged, excerpted translation by Renfrey Clarke of an unsigned editorial that appeared on the Russian blogsite Rabkor (Worker Correspondent). Boris Kagarlitsky is the blog's chief editor.]