Russia's invasion of Ukraine has produced hundred of thousands of refugees. It has also revealed the hypocrisy and racism on the part of receiving states, writes Binoy Kampmark.

#StandWithUkraine protest in Hamburg on March 3

Young climate campaigners with Fridays for Future took to the streets on March 3 to stand with the people of Ukraine and call for a world that prioritises peace and freedom from fossil fuels for all, reports Jessica Corbett.

Vladimir Putin cr Pixabay

Russia expert Tony Wood told Green Left Russia’s invasion of Ukraine represents “a turning point” for his regime.

There is little analysis of the electoral system plays in Australian politics, nor much exploration of alternatives, argues Anne McMenamin. Most of us have no direct voice in government, even though we are told we do — every three or four years.

The catastrophic floods in northern NSW and southern Queensland seems to have taken some MPs by surprise. But, as Alex Bainbridge reports, the IPCC has warned that climate change will increase the likelihood of such catastrophic events.

Livestream of the forum on Ukraine with William Briggs and Sam Wainwright.

No war on Ukraine

This war is unjust and criminal on the part of both sides. It is a fight between two anti-popular regimes, argues an unsigned editorial that appeared on the Russian blogsite Rabkor (Worker Correspondent). 

The Geelong Women Unionist Network organised a well-supported action against gendered violence and sexual assault. Zita Henderson reports.

A new coalition of anti-war socialists has formed in Russia. Socialists Against the War Coalition speak out against the war in their manifesto.

Environment Victoria has accused Viva Energy of using a climate accounting trick to significantly underreport emissions from its proposed Geelong gas terminal. Sue Bull reports.

Sudanese youth resisting the military's attacks

Elders took to the streets across Sudan in a show of support for the country’s youth, who are the forefront of resisting the military junta, reports Pavan Kulkarni.

Russia possesses the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. The US has only slightly less. This makes the escalating crisis in the Ukraine all the more terrifying, argues Markela Panegyres.