Radio highlights

June 23, 1993

The Coming Out Show: The Cult of the Feminist Personality — Susan Faludi, Naomi Wolfe and Camille Paglia represent a new breed of feminist — publicity seeking and media smart. This show explores how these three women "perform" feminism. What effect have they had on public perceptions of the women's movement? Who's listening and why? ABC Radio National, Sat June 26, 5.10 p.m. (repeated Thurs July 1, 7.15 p.m.).

3CR's Radiothon continues until June 27 — Melbourne public radio station 3CR provides truly alternative radio without government funding, advertising or sponsorship. Thus the station is aiming to raise $100,000 from radiothon donations. To pledge your support, phone (03) 419 8377.

De Dannan and Alan Stivell in concert — Two styles of Celtic music from either side of the channel. De Dannan is one of the notable Irish folk groups formed in the '70s whose sound is based on reels and pipes that are the basis of Irish music. Alan Stivell was born in France in 1944 and has been playing the Celtic harp since the age of nine. A Breton, Stivell believes regional cultures should be not only preserved but revitalised. ABC Radio National, Sun June 27, 4.05 p.m.

Awaye: Aboriginal print making — Awaye talks to print makers about how they survive as artists, and about how they translate stories into fabric. ABC Radio National, Mon June 28, 10.05 a.m. and 8.05 p.m.

Songs and Stories of Australia: Landscapes — A musical exploration in song, verse and story which describes and gives expression to the influence of the Australian landscape in folk art. Presented by singer and musician Cathie O'Sullivan with Kev Carmody. ABC FM Stereo, Wed June 30, 7.05 p.m.

War, Peace and Poetry: Guatemala — The words of poets communicate in ways far deeper than even the most poignant news accounts. This program was recorded on location and draws on the flourishing

poetry and writing in the context of social turmoil in Guatemala. ABC FM Stereo, Wed June 30, 10 p.m.

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