Radio highlights

March 9, 1994

Adelaide Festival 1994 — Two Worlds' Music — From Japan, this is the first half of a concert recorded on March 8 and features the magical sound of the sho, a 17-pipe mouth organ played by Mayumi Miyata. ABC Fine Music, Wednesday and Thursday, March 9-10, 10pm.

The Music Show — Direct from the Port Fairy Folk Festival — Held in western Victoria, includes guests such as blues great John Hammond and Britain's top folk singer, Vin Garbutt. ABC Radio National, Saturday, March 12, 10am.

The 1993 Boyer Lectures — Ian Anderson — Anderson is one of fewer than 10 Aboriginal medical graduates in Australia and author of Koori Health in Koori Hands. Anderson will consider Aboriginal medical services and looks forward to the possibility of services becoming more informed by Aboriginal notions of health and well-being. ABC Radio National, Saturday, March 12, 1.30pm.

The Coming Out Show — International Women's Day — Live to air, a femme-fiesta of news, talk, performance, music and celebration. ABC Radio National, Saturday, March 12, 5.10pm.

The Families We Choose — The dominant image of the traditional family is only one example of families in Australia. Families can consist of a variety of members who don't have to be tied by blood. This program concentrates on gay and lesbian families and share households. It looks at the particular support networks that these families provide. 2SER-FM, Sunday, March 13, 10am.

The Listening Room — The History of Water/Huyen Thoai Mot Giong Nuoc — This program explores the gap between learning a new language and living in a new language, between floating on the surface of a culture and being able to chart its depths. It offers a vision of contemporary Australia as a place we may not know as well as we might think. A play set against the background of an unfolding past and present, revealing glimpses of this century's wars against Asia. By Noelle Janaczewska, recently transposed for radio and presented by Robyn Ravlich.

Jim McLeod's Jazztrack at the Perth Festival 1994 — Sergei Terentiev in Concert — Terentiev is a Russian jazz pianist who has had marvellous success in recent appearances at festivals in Switzerland and Italy. ABC Fine Music, Monday, March 14, 11pm.

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