Radio highlights

June 28, 1995

Radio highlights

A Swag of Yarns — A special program to mark National Aboriginal and Islander Day of Celebration. Some of Australia's leading storytellers, songwriters, actors and performers present the stories, yarns, legends and myths of the indigenous people. ABC Radio National, Saturday, July 1, 9.05pm.

Outlanders — A radio play by Peter Garrett and Timothy Daly. By 2016, Australia has fragmented. Information is power and freedom a forgotten concept. The central system, using the Citizen's Crad, is organised by the Department of Inter-Regional Coordination and makes it possible for every transaction to be monitored — except for those who have escaped to Region 6, the Outlands. ABC Radio National, Sunday, July 2, 3.05pm.

Inside Art — Locked up inside the Californian prison system is a myriad of artistic work quite different from the paintings displayed in the galleries and museums of the outside world. The art is bartered in the prison world, feeding into the daily pulse of prison life. The work ranges from paintings and drawings to storytelling, music and tattooing — a form of art that has been outlawed by the authorities. ABC Radio National, Sunday, July 2, 8.30pm.

Death and the Maiden — A radio play by Ariel Dorfman. Set in an unnamed country in the aftermath of a brutal dictatorship, Paulina, a former political prisoner, is still recovering from rape and torture. Her companion, Gerardo, is a lawyer leading a commission investigating the torturers. His terms of reference are limited, and the culprits remain in high office. Of the play, which has been performed in more than 40 countries, Dorfman says: "I wrote this play about Chile, but this subject applies to many places ... in Korea they think it is about Korea, in South Africa they think it is about them." ABC Classic FM, Tuesday, July 4, 8pm.

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