By Anne O'Casey
MELBOURNE — What is controversial, inspirational, irreverent and goes with your corn flakes? Radio Resistance — the latest addition to community radio 3CR's line-up. The half-hour, weekly show will debut on Friday, October 9 at 7am.
"We want to stir things up!", Arun Pradhan, one of the show's team members told Green Left Weekly. "We want to help analyse current events, build campaigns and contribute to controversial debates. Our main aim is to stir things up — help convince people that things can change."
The program will be presented by supporters of Green Left Weekly. The activists involved will also organise the Friday breakfast hour that follows the show.
Pradhan said Radio Resistance represents a strong alliance of alternative news sources: "Both Green Left Weekly and 3CR have taken an unequivocal stand against racism, sexism and attacks on working people. They don't pretend to be 'neutral' and academic in their coverage. Instead, they throw their lot in with people fighting for a better world."
3CR began broadcasting in 1976 and has been closely involved with many campaigns ever since. For example, it broadcast live reports from the Franklin Dam blockade in 1983, and raised more than $6000 for the people in El Salvador during the revolutionary upsurge in 1986.
More recently, 3CR played a crucial role in the fight to defend the Maritime Union of Australia from the attacks of the Howard government.
While hundreds of Melbourne residents stood on East Swanston Dock picket lines, 3CR maintained continuous live coverage. Thousands of listeners were ready to mobilise if 3CR reported the police were about to break the picket. That example showed how the activist media can be key to a fight-back.
"We want Radio Resistance to continue in the best traditions of 3CR and Green Left Weekly", Pradhan said. "The Friday breakfast show, which many of us have been involved in, has included discussions among alternative election candidates, between wharfies on the MUA deal, high school students on racism and Aboriginal activists on land rights. We've had talkback on Hanson and censorship, and weekly news and commentary."
Ideas for some of the first Radio Resistance shows include a special on Che Guevara on the anniversary of his death, debates in the women's movement and issues in education.
Pradhan expects a broad range of listeners for the show. "It looks as though the Australian Metal Workers Union will present the half-hour show before us. We hope to appeal to people who tune in for that program, and to other regular 3CR listeners."
A party to launch the show will be held at the Resistance Centre, 14 Anthony St, Melbourne, on Friday, October 9 at 8pm. Radio 3CR is at 855 on the AM dial. For more information or to make donations to the show, phone 9329 1320.