Rally for a Free Palestine: No war in Gaza

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


5:30pm Monday 09 October


Sydney Town Hall
483 George St
Sydney NSW 2000


Israel has declared war on Gaza. Israel is launching a full scale war on Palestine for the humiliation it suffered today when Palestinians tore down apartheid walls at a Gaza border, and began to enter '48 land that is rightfully theirs.

This comes in the context of the deadliest year ever for Palestinians with Israel electing its most right-wing government ever, which includes openly fascists settlers. There were 3 Israeli attacks on Palestinians per day for the first 8 months of 2023. Israeli settlers only recently stormed Al Aqsa mosque.

It is the responsibility of everyone who stands for justice, freedom, against apartheid, colonialism and imperialism to stand up for Palestine.

End Israeli apartheid, the occupation, the siege on Gaza. We demand Australia cuts ties with Israel.

Protest in solidarity with Palestine this Monday night.

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