Refugee self-immolates, police attack vigil

August 30, 2024
Commemorating Mano's life at the refugee encampment. Photo: Chris Slee

Mano, a Tamil refugee from Sri Lanka who had lived in Australia for 12 years, committed suicide on August 27.

A commemorative vigil was held on August 29 at the refugee protest encampment outside the Home Affairs department.

A large number of police turned up, some on horseback. One refugee was arrested, while others were attacked with pepper spray for blocking the entrance.

Aran Mylvaganam from the Tamil Refugee Council told the commemoration that Mano was part of the coordination team for the encampment.

He was 23 years old. He had come to Australia with his parents and siblings, but had been living for 12 years on a bridging visa — a short-term visa that has to be repeatedly renewed.

Mylvaganam said that the government’s refusal to grant him a permanent visa had led to his death.

The encampment, set up to demand permanent visas for approximately 10,000 refugees on bridging visas, continues around the clock at 808 Bourke St, Docklands.

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