The public has largely been kept in the dark about the AUKUS acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, but some new information has come to light. Bevan Ramsden reports.

Mano, a Tamil refugee from Sri Lanka who had lived in Australia for 12 years, committed suicide on August 27 after being denied permanent residency. Chris Slee reports.

Supporters of Palestinian rights rallied outside Fairfield City Council, calling on it to disclose and divest from any financial ties to Israel. Neville Spencer reports.

protest in Jakarta

Since August 22, cities across Indonesia have been rocked by student-led protests against a proposed regional electoral law. Peter Boyle spoke to Rudi Hartono, the managing editor of a new progressive publication Merdika.id, who joined the protesters in Jakarta.

woman voting

Writer, activist and director of the Centre for Studies for Socialist Democracy Reinaldo Iturriza, discusses the competing, and inadequate, narratives surrounding Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election with Federico Fuentes.

Venezuela's supreme court

Green Left’s Federico Fuentes spoke to Antonio González Plessmann from Venezuelan left-wing human rights collective SurGentes to break down the country’s July 28 presidential election.

Town Hall meeting

Peter Boyle speaks to Singaporean grassroots activist Adi R, about the launch of the People’s Manifesto project, which aims to centre the issues facing ordinary people in the lead up to the country's election, expected this year.

Last semester students took aim at university links with weapons companies. This semester they plan to continue the work of cutting ties with companies supporting genocide in Palestine. Alex Bainbridge reports.

podcast graphic

Isaac Nellist and Riley Breen are joined by Nova Sobieralski to discuss Labor's attacks on the CFMEU and the NDIS amendment bill, and talk to socialist council candidate Rachel Evans

women march against violence in India

Isaac Nellist spoke with Indian student activist Ipil Monica Baski about the protests breaking out across the country in response to the rape and murder of a student doctor in Kolkata.

protesters holding signs

Capitalism cannot achieve the economic, political and scientific planning and cooperation needed on the scale required to address the climate crisis, argues Barry Sheppard.

While almost all the candidates contesting the City of Sydney mayoral position say affordable housing is a critical issue, only some actually want to make the changes needed to make it so. Jim McIlroy reports.