By Natasha Simons
SYDNEY — Resistance is calling on high school students to join the tertiary students' August 29 National Day of Action against the government's attacks on education. High school student groups across the country will meet this week to discuss the strike proposal and organise for the day.
There was overwhelming support for the strike call at high school rallies against education cuts on August 16 in Melbourne and Perth, and a number of high school groups in other states are excited about the proposal.
High school students attending the strike will be asked to bring a note from their parents. However, if this isn't possible, they are being encouraged to strike anyway. Parents are being invited to join the protest in solidarity with their children whose futures will be badly affected by the education cuts and fee increases.
Paul Howes, a year 9 student at Blaxland High, will be coordinating the strike. "Cuts to funding, increases to fees and restricting Austudy for students will mean a lot of us won't be able to go to university", Howes said. Students are calling on the National Union of Students to support the strike.
For more information and copies of the national poster and leaflet ring the Resistance Centre in your city.