Richmond campaign vindicated
By Geoff Spencer
MELBOURNE — Two years after Richmond Secondary College was closed in the first round of school cuts, the Kennett government has endorsed a report that recommends the expansion of coeducation in Richmond.
"It's a total vindication of the campaign to save Richmond", said Elvie Sievers, a leading activist in the campaign, upon reading the findings of the Interim Report of the Richmond Cross Sectoral Education Committee. The proposals put forward in the Kirby Report (named after Peter Kirby, secretary of the education department, who chaired the task force) mirror those put forward by the Richmond community in late 1992 when RSC was closed.
The report recommends that a joint educational facility be developed on one site to meet the educational requirements of post-compulsory age students and the vocational education and training needs of industry and the inner Melbourne community, and that the year 7-10 annexe of Collingwood College in Richmond be retained and consolidated as a priority.
These findings give an added moral support to the eight campaigners arrested after being brutally baton-charged by Protective Service Group officers. The task now is to get the charges against the Richmond 8 dropped, to get the writs cancelled and to ensure the report is implemented.
[Defend the Richmond 8 can be contacted on 429 7450.]