Ruddock should resign over refugees' plight

April 11, 2001


CANBERRA — Seventy supporters of refugee rights have called for the resignation of immigration minister Philip Ruddock at an emergency protest here on April 3, barely a day after Pakistani refugee Shahraz Kayani set himself on fire outside Parliament House.

Vic Rebekof, the legal adviser to Kayani's brother Shahzad, told the rally of Kayani's growing desperation at his government-enforced seperation from his family, who are still in Pakistan.

"He was not a refugee but an Australian citizen trying to re-unite with his family. We need to change government policy in order to re-unite people with their families. We need to continue to fight for a fair go," Rebekof said.

Newly-elected Australian Democrats Natasha Stott Despoja sent a message of support, while the Democratic Socialist Party's James Vassilopoulos encouraged the enthusiastic crowd to get involved in the Refugee Action Committee.

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