BY PIP HINMAN The Indonesian government's "limited" military operation, currently underway, is not just against the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), but against the majority of Acehnese who want an end to the violence and a referendum on
One hundred and seventy Green Left Weekly subscribers and supporters gathered at the Granville Town Hall on March 31 for western Sydney's annual Green Left Weekly dinner. Organised by the Sydney West branch of the Democratic Socialist Party, the
BY SARAH STEPHEN PERTH — You'd be forgiven for not noticing the Perth Airport Immigration Detention Centre. Nestled back from the road at the entrance to the domestic terminal, it was built to house only a few dozen detainees. On March 15 and

The Anti-Privatisation Forum — an organisation that unites trade unions, township residents' groups, left-wing parties, anarchists and social justice activists — has forthrightly rejected the South African government's plan to privatise the country's electricity utility, Eskom.

BY ANDREW HALL CANBERRA — Seventy supporters of refugee rights have called for the resignation of immigration minister Philip Ruddock at an emergency protest here on April 3, barely a day after Pakistani refugee Shahraz Kayani set himself on fire
BY EVA CHENG Thousands of progressive and environmental activists from across North America are expected to converge on Quebec City, Canada, from April 16 to declare their rejection of the US-led push to extend the notorious pro-business North
BY ALEX BAINBRIDGE & ROHAN GAISWINKLER HOBART — For the first time in the company's 20 year history, workers at boat-building company Incat took strike action on April 3, after management walked away from negotiations on a new enterprise
BY JOHN McGILL& BRONWEN BEECHEY ADELAIDE — On April 2, Adelaide City Council voted to make the streets and parks of the inner CBD a "dry zone". The issue had been under consideration by the council since last year, when it commissioned a market
BY JOHN GAUCI SYDNEY — On April 6, 140 people gathered in the Resistance Centre to hear speakers discuss the political crisis in Indonesia. The event was organised by Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor. "In May 1998, Indonesian
Machine Gun Fellatio has become a household name after the band's second show at Melbourne University was cancelled by the Student Union, on the grounds that the show was sexist. The RMIT and Swinburne University of Technology student unions have
Due to a sub-editing error, the sentence in the article “Refugee kept eight months in solitary” by Ben Collins (GLW #443) read: “While the agreement between the government and Australasian Correctional Management, which runs the centre,
BY MALIK MIAH & RICH LESNIK SAN FRANCISCO — George W. Bush campaigned for president on two broad themes: "compassionate conservatism" and against "big government" interfering in the lives of the American people. Workers in the airline industry