By Emma Webb
ADELAIDE — A painting by artist Pro Hart — donated to Campaign Against Racism — raised $450 when it was auctioned on November 3. The painting was donated after its owner heard that Hart had donated a painting to One Nation.
CAR will be using the funds to build the "Fight Howard and Hanson's racist attacks, defend human rights" national day of action on December 13.
A broad committee to organise and build the day has been initiated by CAR. Anti-racism groups such as Celebrating Diversity, the Kumarangk Coalition, Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, and the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement have been invited to take part.
"It is important that all serious anti-racism activists and organisations support this demonstration at a time when the Howard government is accelerating its racist agenda", CAR member Sam King explained to Green Left Weekly.
"Unfortunately, in the past, anti-racism actions organised by different groups have been scheduled at the same time. The December 13 coalition will be able to mobilise far greater numbers than any one group by itself. If we are to defeat the racist policies of the Howard government a united anti-racism movement is needed."
The December 13 Anti-Racism Coalition has planned a march, rally and festival, starting at 11.30 am at Victoria Square. Speakers will focus on demands such as defend native title, no to Howard's 10-point plan, for Aboriginal self-determination, no uranium mine at Jabiluka, no deportation or detention of refugees, let the East Timorese refugees stay, and no discrimination against migrants in work, education, welfare and housing.
The rally will also draw attention to the campaign to stop the bridge to Kumarangk (Hindmarsh Island).
The December 13 Anti-Racism Coalition meets every Monday, 7 pm, at the Conservation Council, 120 Wakefield St, Adelaide and can be contacted on 8231 6982.