SCOTLAND: Striking childcare workers hold out

November 17, 1993

Since March 1, 5000 Scottish nursery nurses (childcare workers) have been on strike for better pay. It is 15 years since the low-paid workers had a pay review. Currently paid £13,000 a year, the workers are demanding £18,000.

While more than 11 councils have negotiated agreements, the workers have been holding out for a national agreement that will ensure everyone gets a fair deal. A protest in Edinburgh on March 29 was attended by 2000 striking workers.

Ninety-thousand Scottish civil service workers have also been taking strike action for better pay and against an employers performance assessment scheme.

The Scottish Socialist Party has called a Glasgow public rally in support of the strikers for April 20.

The nursery nurses now have a website on the strike, which is updated frequently and where messages of support can be displayed. Visit <>.

From Green Left Weekly, April 21, 2004.
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