Socialist campaign office opens

March 19, 2003


CHARLESTOWN, NSW — The newly opened campaign headquarters for the Socialist Alliance's election campaign for the seat of Charlestown in the March 22 NSW election is attracting the attention of voters. The windows of the shop are plastered with “Books not bombs”, “No war on Iraq” and “Fund social services not war” posters.

Socialist Alliance candidate Kathy Newnam told Green Left Weekly that even as the office was being set-up, passers-by were dropping in to pick up anti-war material.

Located on a busy street, with the Charlestown Mall just a few metres away, the office is an excellent way to get the message out about Socialist Alliance's call to “make the state election a referendum on the war”, Newnam added.

The office is situated at 28 Smart Street, Charlestown (formerly the Smith Family Op Shop).

From Green Left Weekly, March 19, 2003.
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