Socialists launch Bankstown branch

August 7, 2002


SYDNEY — The branch of the Democratic Socialist Party previously located in Burwood has relocated to Sydney's south-west. A new Bankstown office was opened on July 26 with a toast to the Cuban revolution and a celebration of the 49th anniversary of the storming of the Moncada Barracks. Thirty people participated, enjoying Cuban-inspired cocktails and Cuban music.

During the last six months, the branch has begun to distribute Green Left Weekly in Lakemba and Bankstown. In April, the branch also held a successful public meeting on the Palestinian struggle in Punchbowl and in June a speakout on refugee-rights in Bankstown.

Over the coming months, public meetings, film showings and educational classes on feminism and socialism will be held at the Bankstown office. The new Bankstown branch will be organising stalls in surrounding suburbs and on the Bankstown/Milperra campus of the University of Western Sydney, distributing black armbands to shame Howard on Tampa Day (August 26).

If you would like to get involved in the Bankstown branch's activities, or have any furniture or office equipment to donate (for example bookcases, computers, chairs or tables), call Andy or Kim on (02) 9793 2188.

From Green Left Weekly, August 7, 2002.
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