The Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI) expresses our support and solidarity to those of you taking industrial action at BHP in the Pilbara in defence of the right to collectively bargain.
This move by BHP, the "Big Australian", to use individual contracts will undermine workers' union rights. It is obviously in the company's interests because BHP has stated it will save $80 million through these contracts, and make cuts to jobs and conditions in the future.
The FNPBI strongly supports the right of workers to bargain collectively. It is only through a collective approach that we are able to make gains for workers.
The big companies in Indonesia have taken advantage of "yellow" unions that are under the control of the government to prevent workers from joining together to fight for their interests. The FNPBI aims to build genuine fighting unions that defend the interests of working people, using the methods you have been demonstrating through your action.
The FNPBI will encourage and support international actions in solidarity with the BHP Pilbara workers and looks forward to sharing information and campaigns in the future.
Good luck in your struggle.
In Solidarity,
Dita Sari
President, FNPBI