Tax workers dissatisfied with pay offer

March 15, 2000

Tax workers dissatisfied with pay offer

By Chris Slee

MELBOURNE — Community and Public Sector Union members in the Australian Taxation Office are dissatisfied with management's "final offer" for a new agency agreement. Negotiations have been occurring since the expiry of the last agreement in June.

The CPSU is seeking an 8% pay increase for each year of the proposed two-year agreement. Management initially offered 3% per year but has now increased that to 4% per year.

However, management has only guaranteed the first 3% of the two-year rise, the other 5% is dependent on meeting a range of targets. Management's offer also includes a possible once-off bonus of 2%, dependent on the successful implementation of GST.

Differences also remain on a range of other issues, including performance management and job security.

CPSU tax section secretary Shane O'Connell told members at workplace meetings that he believes the union is in a strong position to win a better deal, because of the government's need to implement the GST without disruption.

Management's proposal has not yet been put in the form of a draft agreement and can therefore not yet be formally voted on.

However, a straw poll of those present at the meeting in the ATO's Casselden Place office here resulted in a unanimous rejection of management's proposal.

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