Teach-in provides motives for September protests
MELBOURNE — The fact that the World Economic Forum was amongst the architects of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) provides reason enough to protest against it, 100 participants at a teach-in here last week were told.
The teach-in was organised by the S11 Alliance, which is planning protests against the WEF's Asia-Pacific Economic Summit to be held in Melbourne, September 11-13.
US activist Doyle, a participant in the November anti-WTO protests in Seattle, explained the role played by institutions such as the WTO, World Bank and International Monetary Fund in opening countries up to greater domination by Western-based corporations. She also described the inspiring alliances forged by the Seattle demonstrators, between steelworkers and environmentalists, for example.
The teach-in featured lively discussions about the purpose of the September demonstrations and the alliances that can and should be built. Four workshops — Women and Globalisation, Globalisation and the Environment, Third World Debt and Democracy and Popular Struggles — sparked much interest.
Another teach-in is planned for the weekend of August 4-5, which will include more time for discussion of the demands and strategy of the campaign, as well as workshops on activist skills. For more information, contact the S11 Alliance via its web site at <http://www.s11.org> or come to its meetings each Wednesday, 6.30pm, RMIT Lesley Clucas Lounge.