Here is the latest “deal” from the self-proclaimed Captain of Team Australia that you are not allowed to refuse: He'll withdraw his law change that will give people the right to be bigots and in return his spooks will have access to the past two years of your metadata.
My meta-whaaat???
Well, if you don't know what it is then you don't need to worry, do you? Plus you want to be accepted into Team Australia, don't you? Because the Captain, Tony Abbott, and his spooks are going to get much tougher on anyone suspected to be on Team UnAustralia.
There's $600 million in additional funding over the next four years for spy agencies ASIO, the AFP, ASIS, ONA, and Customs and Border Protection. Never mind if you don't know what some of those acronyms stand for, don't worry about it! The Captain says they are looking after us and we should trust them, whoever they are.
Then there's the broadening of the definition of Team UnAustralian organisations to promotion and encouragement of UnAustralian terrorism. However, the Captain assured us this won't stop people with joint Australia-Israeli citizenship from fighting for the Israeli state terrorist apparatus or Australian special forces working as mercenaries for allied states.
There is also the lowering of the threshold for arrest without warrant for UnAustralian terrorism offences and the creation of a new offence of travelling to a “designated area” where UnAustralian terrorist organisations are conducting hostile activities unless there is a legitimate purpose.
And so on ... all this to protect the common interests of Team Australia — which is short for Team Australia-USA-Israel.
An appeal for sacrifice for the common good might have some merit if it wasn't a total lie. Which it is.
The same Captain is doing everything in his power to destroy the common good. He's doing everything he can to make Team Rich even richer at the expense of Team Poor.
He's using racism to divide Team Older Boatpeople from Team Newer Boatpeople. He's destroying the environment and sacrificing the future for the short-term enrichment of Team Billionaire. So Captain Abbott's “Team Australia” is a lie.
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