UN condemns US embargo on Cuba
UN condemns US embargo on Cuba again
For the fourth year in a row, the UN General Assembly voted on November 2 in favour of a resolution to condemn the US embargo on Cuba. Only the US, Israel and Uzbekistan voted against the resolution. One hundred and seventeen countries voted for the Cuban-sponsored resolution. This compares to 101 in 1994, 88 in 1993 and 59 in 1992. This year, only 38 countries abstained on the vote, compared to 48 in 1994, 57 in 1993 and 71 in 1992. In 1993, Australia abstained from voting on the anti-embargo resolution. This year, with a $450 million nickel mining joint venture between Western Mining and the Cuban government, Australia voted for the resolution. All of the Latin American countries except Guatemala and El Salvador voted for the resolution. The US ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright, didn't even bother to make a speech in favour of the embargo at the Assembly session.
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