UNE students call national day of Action

July 1, 1992

UNE students call national day of Action

LISMORE — Students at the University of New England - Northern Rivers have called a national day of action to protest against attacks on Austudy and the running down of education in general.

The protest, initiated by the Student Representative Council, will be on August 21 and will culminate with the delivery of pro-Austudy petitions to Department of Employment, Education and Training offices.

The students warn that, while the proposal for a compulsory loans scheme appears to have been dropped for the present, the government seems intent on pushing a "voluntary" loans plan. Another change likely to be announced in the federal budget is a diminished Austudy rate for students under 21 — the majority.

"Education should not be a lottery governed by hereditary wealth", say the students. August 21 "should be a day for all Australians to protest the degradation of an education system which was once close to giving everyone a fair go."

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