Union campaign forces school cleaning review

August 28, 1996

Union campaign forces school cleaning review

By Bill Mason

BRISBANE — A concerted campaign by Queensland school cleaners has forced the Education Department to review privatisation plans which would lay off 6500 permanent and casual workers.

Department officers are preparing a list of options for state education minister Bob Quinn to take to an interdepartmental meeting on August 26. Quinn claims the contracting out would save $50 million per year, which is needed to provide more teachers for the extra students expected next year.

The Miscellaneous Workers Union has accused the minister of a heartless approach, breaking a clear Coalition promise and defying an opposition urgency motion, supported by independent Liz Cunningham and passed in parliament on August 6, which called on the government "to reverse its decision".

School cleaners have pursued Quinn in recent weeks, dubbing him "back door Bob", after he dodged several groups of angry cleaners picketing schools. Around 150 cleaners protested outside Quinn's electoral office in Broadbeach on the Gold Coast on August 21, demanding the withdrawal of dismissal notices and an end to privatisation plans.

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