US top arms trader

July 28, 1993

US top arms trader

By Wendy Robertson

The United States remained the biggest arms supplier to the third world in 1992, increasing its share of the market to 56.8% from 48.9% in 1991, according to a US Congressional study.

The study, reported in the July 22 Financial Review, said that Russia's share of the market continued to fall sharply to 5.4%, with arms deals in 1992 of US$1.3 billion, compared to US$5.9 billion in 1991.

About 86% of the US arms sales to the third world consisted of major new orders from Taiwan (A$9.6 billion), Saudi Arabia (A$6.3 billion) and Kuwait (A$1.65 billion).

France, the second largest arms supplier in 1992, made third world agreements totalling US$3.8 billion (A$5.6 billion).

The other top eight suppliers were: Britain (US$2.4 billion), Russia (US$1.3 billion), Germany (US$700 million), Spain (US$600 million), Italy (US$400 million), Israel (US$300 million), Iran (US$200 million) and China (US$100 million).

While Australia did not make the top 10 arms trading nations its arms export industry is growing fast. According to an Australian Senate Estimates Committee document, A$31.1 million of defence export applications were approved in 1991-1992, and 79% of these were to third world countries. Australia sells gunboats, frigates, small arms, second-hand helicopters and planes, military radar and telecommunications systems.

The Keating government is encouraging and subsidising arms export in a bid to share the profits of an unprecedented rise in arms spending by South-East Asian governments. In the future it hopes to sell some of the sophisticated Collins submarines being built in Adelaide to Asian countries.

The US Congressional report said that, continuing a general post-Cold War trend, the value of all arms transfer agreements to the third world in 1992 fell to US$23.9 billion, the lowest total for any of the years during the 1985-92 period.

The total value of US arms deals to all countries fell slightly from 1991 to 1992, from US$14 billion to US$13.6 billion.

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