At this REDWatch meeting we will hear from the NSW Government and Land & Housing Corporation (LAHC) about the recent announcement for Waterloo South including the new targets of 30% social and 20% affordable housing, and the new Homes NSW agency that will bring together LAHC, the Aboriginal Housing Office, along with social and affordable housing and homelessness functions within Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
We will also hear about the government’s thinking in relation to the way the government approaches maintenance including the services that are provided to public housing tenants. A new maintenance contract expected to come into effect on July 1, 2024.
It will be a full meeting with lots to discuss, so put your thinking caps on! What you would like to see changed in the way that LAHC, AHO, DCJ Housing and Homelessness services operate? What do you think about maintenance? What questions do you have about the recent Waterloo south announcement? Bring your ideas and questions to the meeting.
REDWatch’s co-spokesperson Geoff Turnbull has provided an analysis of the recent Government announcement for Waterloo South. http://www.redwatch.org.au/RWA/Waterloo/lahc22-23/230821redw
If you cannot join us in person at the Factory Community Centre in Waterloo, you can join us online via Zoom - https://tinyurl.com/RedwatchZoom
You can contact REDWatch via email mail@redwatch.org.au or call us on 8004 1490.