Weekly Palestine Rally

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


1:00pm Saturday 23 December


Archibald Fountain
Hyde Park
Sydney NSW 2000


Our plan for weekly mass protests in the coming weeks!

Palestine Action Group will continue holding mass weekly protests over the xmas/new year period. Israel continues its genocide in Gaza, so we will keep protesting!

However, in order to maximise our numbers and avoid rallying on xmas eve and NYE, we will be switching to protesting on SATURDAYS instead of Sundays for those 2 weeks.

So the schedule is:

- 1pm Sunday 17 Dec

Protest: stop the genocide in Gaza! Free Palestine!

- 1pm Saturday 23 Dec

- 1pm Saturday 30 Dec

- 1pm Sunday 7 Jan

All meeting at Hyde Park North still.

Please spread the word, and help us to maintain the massive mobilisations we've sustained for 10 weeks now. The Australian government's (very limited) shift recently is undoubtedly due to our protest movement.

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